Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The following is a repost from the defunct cougina speaks blog...

This a necessary part of reaching your abilities for auric senses and especially telepathy...'

Conceptual thought means that your thoughts automatically assume the entire concept in processing... For instance war and peace are the opposites of the same concept//so are love and hate and so forth//so one must first recognize opposites before one can even begin the process...

Many times I have seen people attempting to do good end up harming instead because they were not aware of the totality of the concept and ended up harming themselves or others//ONE MUST ALWAYS LOOK AT THE ENTIRE PICTURE//Say a salesman or ad convinces you that you want something. If you were to take food out of your kids' mouths or cost them a needed pair of shoes, where is the good in this? And that is just the small and easy stuff that many manage to understand...

SUPPOSE: You are going to a healer to remove negatives from your astrosome, is there enough validity in the process that you can be assured that no positives are removed, are you sure of the negative in relationship to your whole being?//What is to be done with that energy once removed?//PHYSICS TELLS US THAT ENERGY CANNOT BE DESTROYED//Who is the practitioner sending it to?// Or is it just to float around looking for a new person to attach to... IN THE PURE HERMETIC TRADITION WE WOULD MUCH RATHER KEEP THE ENERGY, LOOK AT ITS ENTIRE CONCEPT, AND MOVE IT TOWARD THE CENTER AND BALANCE, RATHER THAN JUST LOOSING IT INTO THE ETHER//SOMETIMES IT CAN SLOWLY BE MOVED ALL THE WAY TO A POSITIVE...

THIS IS REALLY TOUCHY RIGHT HERE: So called black magicians and witches [believe me they do exist] accumulate energy like this and then use it to create harm in others. They are particularly effective if the person they remove it from knows the person they are going to use it against...

SO VIEWING THE ENTIRE CONCEPT IN ALL THAT WE THINK AND DO IS NOT ONLY NECESSARY FOR DEVELOPING HIGHER SENSES//but also protects the entire astrosome and the souls and bodies of others...

An easy exercise in beginning the process is to, in your free time driving etc., just start trying to think of opposites//It really becomes quite automatic after you force it for awhile//i.e. opposite of death? Birth is death's opposite, and life, the filler for the whole concept, runs from birth to death//THIS EASY METHOD CAN BE APPLIED TO ALL THOUGHT//IT HAS BEEN SAID THE THE BASE OF REALITY AS YOU KNOW IT IS BASED ON 22 ORIGINAL CONCEPTS//CAN YOU DISCOVER THEM?