As we get closer to 12/21/2012, the Covina Hermiticia blog has developed, and is in the midst of presenting, an organized approach to developing individual communion with Higher SELF (God, Goddess, whatever you choose to call it), that first step in becoming a magus. We know that Hermetics appeals only to the few, yet also know that there are many more who would relish the counsel of a Hermetic high adept, but don't know where to find it.
Covina Hermiticia is funded on a donation basis. If you are interested, email covinahermiticia (at)
Below is information that we have posted previously...
Cougina has reinstituted a website similar to COUGINASPEAKS, the private social-networking site that was discontinued in 2010. COVINA HERMITICIA (Hermetic Covenant) will present a serious and explicit treatment of Hermetica, which (as you probably know) is and always has been controversial. This will be a very private site, and membership will be carefully screened. Violations of secrecy will result in banishment from the site, and possibly being “turned into a frog.”
We will try to post a minimum of three times per week. Some posts will be Agnes’s recording of Cougina’s ideas, and some posts will be videos of Cougina. The site will be similar to Facebook, in that each member will have a personal webpage, where comments and pictures can be posted, and private messages can be exchanged among members.
We will discuss the entire realm of Hermetics, including the entire Corpus Hermetica, ritual and ceremonial magic, Kabalah, the Arcana, altar work, developing auric and telepathic abilities, the use of reflection and refraction in controlling your reality, and conceptual thought.
The Hermetic community has decided to make their presence known in this time, and teachings will be presented that have never been published. Note that most teachings will be directed to the Elohim, i.e., the yellow spirit bodies.
If you are interested, send an email to Or go directly to the site,, where you will find a signup link. The regular charge is $65 for a year (includes a free reading by Cougina valued at $100). We regret that there is a fee, but, as minimalists, we need funds to help pay for the site.
You must be over 21 years old. There will occasionally be explicit content. This is not a site for the faint of heart. If you become seriously involved with Cougina, your ideas and ethics will be challenged. However, your spiritual development will be taken seriously.