Saturday, May 4, 2013

We have a new corporation! Her name is Isis Augusta Inc. She was incorporated in NC for the purpose of distributing BathyDerm, the tincture that Aggie used to control her MRSA staph infection.

In addition to removing her MRSA, it removed her herpes, as well as the age spots from my hands and arms. We are very proud to say that, during testing, we have had positive reports from several folks, including help with hemorrhoids, rosacea, and eczema. People with no skin problems experienced softer, more youthful looking skin and hair.

There will be some testimonials on our new website,, as well as information on how to get the product or even to become a dealer. (Aggie wants you to know that she had to put it together in a couple of days to meet my demands, and she is working on a more professional site.)

Everything is moving slowly and smoothly, and Aggie is healthy again. Everyone who has tried BathyDerm has had good things to say about it.

Think Green
Blessed Be