Monday, December 13, 2010


Nun is our fourteenth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and therefore our fourteenth Hieroglyph of The Tarot. The previous thirteen letters were posted on Cougina's ning site. If you were not a member of that site consider it all in divine order and take it from here.

The Hieroglyphs of The Tarot are used by us in the context of manifestation. Manifestation of oneness with Higher Self. (please note that other uses are also applicable, but that for the context of manifestation in Kabalistic Magic these are the appropriate ones) The true adept uses a concept called Gemantria to achieve the understanding of the Unwritten Kabalah, which can use either numerical or letter equivalents in achieving the process.

Nun represents Philosophy and Strength. Nun is the Fetus that is born of the woman of the 13th Hieroglyph(Mem/Death our previous arcana). If your 'e' name begins with Nun this is the concept that begins your oneness process.

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