Monday, February 21, 2011

Shin The Fool

Shin is our twenty first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet and Hieroglyph of The Tarot. Shin is associated the element of Air and The Fool card of the Tarot. In the scheme of the Tetragrammaton Shin is neutral in nature. Shin as a hieroglyph is a Arrow. In Gemantria Shin has a value of 300 and zero. The zero comes from the fact that Shin does not originate from any other arcanum.

Shin is an arrow in indefinite flight, undecided then incapable of following through on decision, beyond control of self, the a conceptualization of the means on how to follow through, and finally the implementation of them.

This card represents both the beginning and the end of the Tarot in the context of the study toward achieving total Unity with Self (body, mind and soul). It does not achieve it for you but it is used to describe the process of spiritual evolution in the relation to the little I self, and it literally travels through he rest of the Arcana to become itself again with the knowledge of purpose and means to achieve completion.

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