Tuesday, May 24, 2011

what a wonderful partner i have

A neophyte's conceptualization of what it is to be a hermetic adept:

6th and 7th senses. A hermetic perceives dual worlds: the world that all humans perceive, based on input from the five senses, and a world that is usually forgotten early in childhood. This other world is perceived with input from two additional senses. The 6th and 7th senses cannot be accurately described in terms of the other five, yet we make an attempt. The 6th sense, auric vision, is more than seeing the auras surrounding individual humans. It involves "seeing" objects of physical reality on multiple levels simultaneously, and multiple objects within a given space. The 7th sense, telepathy, is the ability to send and receive communication without vocalization, and without words. Telepathic communication can be established with other telepaths to a distance equivalent to the size of the hermetic's spiritual body.

Conceptual thought. Traditional thought involves the conceptualization of pairs of opposites. Decision making is the process of evaluating the relative worth of each member of a pair, and points along the continuum between the extremes represented by the opposites. For example, on the question of abortion, some people will find abortion to be acceptable under all circumstances, and some will find abortion always unacceptable. Others will be somewhere in between, for example, only in the first trimester, or only after rape, etc.

A hermetic's conceptual world includes the world of opposites, but also includes a world without opposites, a world in which a pair of opposites, and the positions in between, are subsumed in one concept. One way that particle physicists conceive space is as a field where multitudinous numbers and varieties of particle pairs appear and disappear in time. The multitude of opinions of individual humans can be likened to this play of particle pairs. Opinions are neither right nor wrong, but like scintillations of a field that reveals a different appearance depending on the position and time from which it is observed.

Balance. The analogies to quantum mechanics are descriptive only, and not meant to imply the equivalence of the hermetic work to physics. Yet, it is interesting to note that particles do not appear singly, only in matter and anti-matter pairs, i.e., in pairs of opposites. Also, no two adjacent quantum particles can have identical quantum numbers. If one electron in a two-electron subshell of an atom has quantum spin up, the other will be spin down.

The foremost law of a hermetic is, “Do no harm.” Beyond this, a hermetic seeks balance, first in himself, and then in his space, including other beings in his space. In spite of the ubiquitous appearance of the pairs of opposites, it is possible to achieve a balance that overrides the law of opposites. Hermetics call the balance point ecstasy.

In distinction to many spiritual paths, the hermetic does not seek to be "good," but to be in balance. This is part of why the hermetic is so contradictory to most humans, appearing to have contradictory standards and ethics. This idea will be familiar to serious students of Jung.

Self. A hermetic has more than an awareness of Self; a hermetic has direct conceptual communication with Self, and is therefore able to know and act on the desires of Self without the decision process of other humans. A hermetic knows what he is here to do. A hermetic remembers all of his lives in detail, from the time that he became an adept. A hermetic arranges his next life before he gives up his current vehicle.

Do no harm. The foremost law of hermetics is, “Do no harm.” A hermetic is a total pacifist. For example, hermetics do not agree with the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, because he was not directly harming anyone at the time of his assassination. However, when aggression occurs in the hermetic's space, whether directed toward him or someone in his space, he acts swiftly and aggressively in defense, in order to maintain balance.

Maintenance of self. A hermetic is aware of the needs of his body, and generally maintains his own physical health, speeding the healing of disease and injuries, and reducing the impact of aging through the manipulation of time.

An emotional body is necessary for physical existence, but a hermetic's emotional body is small compared to other humans. A hermetic feels relatively little emotion, and experiences emotion differently. Maintaining this smaller emotional body assists in balance.




Alan said...

Awesome post, wonderful insights.

Manipulation of time? Can you expand on this?

Luis said...

Excellent description.....keep posting


Terri said...

Your genius mind is a huge contribution to this blog, Agnes!
Thank you for your input, allowing these concepts valuable explanation.

Patti said...

What an amazing partnership! Loving your contributions, Aggie, and looking forward to more!

Blessings Be...