Friday, November 25, 2011


First of all, let me be perfectly clear that this is my interpretation of the thoughts and feelings of my community, not necessarily representative of consensus at all points. The planet is a living thing. Even in order to think, one must think that humanity would be the most evolved orgasm on the planet. Now, just to give you an example, I had to stop and think. After that last big O, because my partner's consciousness went one way, and mine went the other. That's why life consciousness is not organic but an orgasm. Believe me that rock or that mountain lives as really as that tree. The planet itself has an auric being that I refer to as Douani. In many ancient cultures, various spellings of this living concept of the planet have existed and manifested. They really are all the same. The planet equates to your expression (human, that is) of love. A truly caring and benevolent entity that, from an egotistical point of view, is here to do nothing more than to support you.

Now comes the hard part. That perception is entirely true. The planet is here for you. However, somehow, in the last hundred years or so, we seem to have lost respect for our support system. We carve large chunks out of her, and carry her to various places in order to change her to suit our purpose. Buildings, bridges, highways. Drill holes in her, and suck her vital fluids, change them, refine them, abuse them, and eventually use them to infect her very atmosphere, her very process of breath.

DOUANI, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING SO PATIENT AND PUTTING UP WITH US FOR SO VERY LONG. Please, from this point forward, allow us to accept some responsibility for our actions. Be patient with us, and allow us to find solutions or at least apologize for the pain and discomfort we have caused you. Please, oh please, allow us to assist you in reestablishing that beautiful white light of health that maintains us in our ignorance and assists us in our evolutionary development toward balance.



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