Sunday, December 11, 2011


My, my, my. Woke up this morning with the wind in my hair. Aware of a small earthquake down in Mexico City. How strong were those Santa Ana winds in southern California? Some say close to a million people without power. And, for the first time in recorded history, 8"  of rain on the east coast of Florida. Oh my, oh my, oh my.

Here we are, coming up just a little over a week now, from the 2011 winter solstice. And a lot of the havoc that has been predicted by the negative thought-formers is increasing almost daily.

It would seem that even the naysayers should be listening to some of the soothsayers. Whether or not there is any such thing as climate change caused by man (I'll leave that argument to the scientists and politicians.), something is certainly going on. (Remember that old song, "Hey, what's happening here?") Whether it be caused by a cyclic change (Wouldn't that be a mess, going the way of the dinosaurs?) or has something to do with the abuse of our mother the Earth, would seem to me basically irrelevant at the present time.

Would not a thinking person slowly realize that, irregardless of the reason or cause of these situations, some definitive expression of concern for the planet itself might perhaps be appropriate? Yesterday morning, my lady Augusta and I watched a wonderful eclipse of the moon. While the day was less than satisfactory from a monetary point of view, on the drive back, Augusta actually experienced the planetary aura. Unfortunately, the aura was pink. In the hermetic phiilosophy, when we see pink in a human aura, it would represent a feminine being in a state of pregnancy. Lordy, lordy, lordy. Is the earth pregnant? Is she going through rebirth? How are you going to handle this? Will you continue to tear her apart, blow smoke in her face, or will you slowly realize that she deserves respect? Without it, she will replace you with a sentient being capable of respecting her.

Often people make fun of the true hermetic adepts, who attempt to preach without dogma that we must protect and respect the concept of mother Earth. Are they incorrect? Is it possible that all these religious philosophies that say, "only if you believe in me will you be saved?" is a carryover from ancient Druidic and Eleusinian philosophies?

You know, certainly, that Christmas, Halloween, Easter, all of these supposed contemporary holidays are interpreted from the ancient pagan beliefs. Is it not possible that that concept of "believe in me or be DAMNED" is not also a carryover from the Druidic and Eleusinian theosophies that said that one must love and respect the planet that we come from? Why was the slowest growing tree the most revered? Why did the ancient people already understand the concepts and consequences of the solstices and equinoxes? Here we are, in an extremely developed, highly technological industrial environment, and yet all we seem capable of thinking of is self, and believe me that is lower case. The hell with the others. Take care of self and worry about the rest later.

How do you, as a so-called human being, in any way justify the system that you've supported that allowed you to achieve this comfort and at the same time has excluded any possibility of your progeny and their progeny from ever getting there? I remember buying a house in 1951 for $12,000. Of course, I only  made $100/week. That was middle class. Now, if your child is fortunate enough to have a job paying $500/week, they are below the poverty level, and the average home costs over $100,000. It does not work with a 500% increase in income, and a 1000% increase in needs. Yet, a small minority have achieved a 100,000% increase in income, and this has been allowed by your selfishness, or apathy, or perhaps even ignorance -- thinking that as long as everything was ok today, somehow tomorrow would take care of itself. You have 375 days left until the supposed awakening (Should we call that reawakening?) of the planet. While I am not insisting on the Mayan or New Age philosophical viewpoints, I think that a certain amount of credence should be given to the concept that thoughts become things.


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