Friday, May 25, 2012

Hermetic Perspective on "End of the World We Know"

From Dr. Sircus' Blog. I encourage you to read the entire post, which fleshes out details. (Although the title is bleak, the post focuses on informed opinion rather than doomsday prophecy.): End of the World We Know.

"As everyone is well aware, Europe is an absolute mess. The gravity of the global debt crisis is getting worse and for sure it’s the end of the world as we have known it. EU trade commissioner Karel De Gucht recently said, “The endgame has begun, and how it will finish I do not know.” There is an implosion happening in Greece, and Spain is not far behind with Portugal and Ireland running neck and neck into the full embrace of depression and life-shattering bank runs.

Greece is a big deal and Spain is even bigger. Right now the European Central Bank (ECB) is starting to cut off funds from several Greek banks and there is a run going on at the same time. Those banks are going down the toilet into a black hole and there will be a loud sucking sound as these banks pull hard on other banks. The Titanic is going down at the bow and just because you are at the stern (in the United States), not in Spain or Greece, it does not mean the cold waters of economic calamity are not going to come to the shores of your life...

Rich or poor, it makes little difference when we are challenged beyond our capacity to respond. Assuming that life will go on as it has these past decades is perhaps one of the greatest and most dangerous assumptions most people are making today. The mainstream news media feeds this almost universally-shared assumption, so when this greatest-of-all bubbles bursts, there will be hell to pay—that is for sure.

We are all going to have to turn our bows into more spiritual winds to manage the major upheavals headed our way. Depending on who and where you are, these major upheavals have already occurred leaving increasing millions desperate and without hope. The illusion of growth is fast fading and what will take its place is an ugly depression with a threatened currency collapse as trillions are printed to save the world from its own stupidity."

In the opinion of the publishers of this blog, there is some validity to what Dr. Sircus has written. How does one incorporate these ideas, from a Hermetic perspective? Many well meaning people would choose to ignore this negative and focus on keeping a positive attitude within their personal space, always a useful approach. However, viewed personally, it may be helpful to give some consideration to the protection of self, should social upheaval occur.This may well be no more than the idea of personal strength, or it may include a plan to leave a major metropolitan area, if necessary.

From a broader perspective, Hermetics sees the world in terms of binaries. At this time, there is a thoughtform of destruction, being fed by various religious apocalyptic groups, the extreme right-wing militias, etc. The binary opposition to this group is formed by those who expect a massive spiritual awakening. Hermetically, we would always seek to approach the center. Therefore, we are feeding the thoughtform of gentle transition and mild change. This precludes a massive change toward global happiness, but also global destruction.


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