Monday, August 6, 2012


HERE ARE A FEW PICS OF OUR LAST COUPLE OF DAYS. We camped our first night on the side of the Midway Station in Vernon. The campsite photo below, looking through the two trees, was right next to the store. Carol, behind the counter, and her friend Barbara, in the red, took good care of us. Barbara brought us a small jar of the strawberry jelly she had just made, and Carol supplied me with a toothbrush (the Sonicare was too heavy to keep) and all sorts of help.
We have been staying out with Kelly Oby in the White Mtn grasslands and it is beautiful. This photo doesn't do it justice, but imagine open space like this in all directions as far as you can see, and that is the place you sleep every night. Kelly is getting a master's degree in theology and is open minded, so we have been having fun discussing Hermetics. // The photo shows two of Kelly's four dogs. The one with the bared teeth is smiling. She looks so fierce and is sooo mellow. The dog on the right passed away yesterday. She had been attacked by horses who came up to the porch to eat the dog food. A storm appeared at the time of her passing, and at the moment of her burial there was a magnificent double rainbow in the sky.
We go to Springerville tomorrow, then into New Mexico//WHAT A WAY TO TRAVEL NO RUSH/WONDERFUL PEOPLE/NO HASSELS SO FAR AND A WONDERFUL RELAXING JOURNEY//I WOULD ENCOURAGE ALL TO TRY IT FOR AT LEAST A SHORT TIME//we will conduct our Hermetics class for Covina Hermiticia here this evening and our Saturday class went off without any major problems.



Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your company and love you both. You were very compasionate and uplifting at a time when I needed it most.

I love you both, be safe.


cougina said...

We love you too, Kelly. Thanks for everything that you are. -- C&A