Saturday, September 1, 2012

Touristing at the UFO Museum in Roswell

Recognize the humans?
Our mission in Roswell (besides bathing and recuperating) is to locate extra-terrestrial beings. So, it is natural that our first stop was the UFO Museum and Research Center. I have to tell you that, if you were to go through the place, what skepticism you have about the incident in 1947 would probably be reduced.

Testimony of Sat. night bar patron.
Besides the original newspaper articles on display, there are walls full of  signed affidavits from a half dozen or so witnesses and also children and spouses of witnesses. If you click on the photo at left, it will blow up large enough to read the text.

Nurse's story.
The story that is documented is that the rancher who first saw the crash site, while checking up on his animals, took the stuff to the law enforcement office in town. Military personnel came in and threatened him and others to stick to the weather balloon story on threat of death and/or revocation of their business licenses. There are similar stories about the couple who were in Roswell to dance on a Saturday night, the local undertaker, the nurse (left) and physician who were called in to observe the bodies, the owner of the local radio station, etc.

Metallic foil from crash site.
ET Cowboy.
One kind of material that was described by witnesses was a metallic foil that could be crushed into a ball in your hand, like aluminum foil, but sprung back to its original flat shape when released. There is no photograph of the beings, but there is a signed affidavit describing them from an alleged observer. That's an artist's rendering at right, of an ET that has assimilated into the local culture.

Definitely worth a visit if you come this way, and only $5 per adult.


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