Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Fool

Hello All, Alan here. The Tarot is a wonderful tool to 'know thyself'. With 'The Fool' I blog on about a major arcana as understood in our Hermetic Qabalah. I will describe various arcana in opposition to itself. The balancing or neutralizing of polarities is a primary exercise for a Hermetic, to balance little self in aligning with Higher Self. The major arcana gives us twenty two aspects of ourselves to play with.

The Fool is a picture of a young wildly dressed man/woman standing on a precipice. He is apparently about to step off the mountain top cliff. Unaware of any danger he happily strolls along.

On it's negative side The Fool is as the title says. He is not 'aware'. Unaware of the consequences of his actions. His head is in the clouds, only gazing upwards and ignoring the 'present'. Failing to see how his present actions will affect his future. A perfect example is the recent behavior of Tiger Woods, he behaved like a fool and what a big fall he had.

On it's positive side The Fool is aware. He is aware that he can step off that cliff and live eternally. Aware that there is no such thing a death. He is in touch with his Higher Self and can behave in a manner that makes most others think he is a fool. “What kind a CPA does psychic tarot readings?” He looks up because he sees the bigger picture and behaves accordingly.

Cougina insightfully adds:
“The Fool is also the ego that fears jumping to consciousness and goes to the forest and throws rocks and sticks at the predatory animal to frighten himself over the cliff”


Terri said...

Happy and grateful you are introducing the major arcana with the Hermetic Qabalah understanding, Alan. Your description of the concept is clear and will be helpfull to all... Thank you.

Unknown said...

I really like the explanation Alan.

It also brings up a good point.

When we see what we believe to be a fool which one are we looking at?

Is the one unaware that just may need our help or is it the one that is aware and is our next guide?

I find it best not to judge and become a fool myself and instead listen to what they have to say. Keeping the connection to higher spirit will help us know.

Thanks Alan