Friday, August 27, 2010

A VERY NICE RIDE plus a bit of politics

For the first time on this trip to Houston I finally got ole Tanya 1 operating well enough to take a real ride//pleased to say memorial park is nice and dry in almost all spots on the trails and it was beautiful! Sorry I did not have camera, a dozen or so kayakers were in /Vuffalo Bayou and it looked as though they were having a blast [have to try that]..Lots of beauty at this time of year in the park just have to go early due to the heat but well worth the trouble..

On the other side of the equation I noticed an awful increase in the number of vacancies in the retail centers which probably had a few employees each, while Houston is not in as bad a shape as much of the country it is becoming evident even here that our economic woes are far from rectified..MANY MAJOR INTERSECTIONS HAD HOMELESS FOLKS WITH SIGNS, one with a nice woman with a child..I rread in the paper that even churches were having a difficult time due to the sharp decrease in tithes and the increased request for assistance....

During these time it would serve us well if we all did what we could not to Judge and to assist where possible//telling who needs the help most is a quandry of course,but I have always felt that giving directly to those you actually meet is much more rewarding karmicaly////MY SPELLING WILL NEVER IMPROVE]


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