Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why Aren't You a Telepath?

Telepathy per se really means universal consciousness. It is absolute surrender of self. While not total surrender to the whole, it is surrender of self to every other individual who has managed to totally surrender to his or her own SELF. 

Several well-known techniques may be used in order to try and show you, not only the validity, but also the practicality of the telepathic process, but one must be aware of the inhibiting factors to achieving telepathy (which goes hand in hand with your auric potential). One who judges violence certainly wouldn't want to see violence. One who judges self on any level certainly doesn't want anyone else to KNOW. If one questions anyone, one must be willing to present that. Adversely, one must ultimately also be willing to be questioned.

It is not an abstract space. It is a space you were born into. It is a space that you removed yourself from the first time you wanted your mother to change your diaper because you really just wanted to experience her love. You had just wet your pants a few moments before. Modern diapers are very comfortable, you just wanted her attention. But instead of being truthful and waiting until she had time to supply it, you decided to scream your ass off until she came and looked at you with love and surrendered to you, even though she was frustrated and busy. You have continued to exacerbate this problem in every way, whenever you did one thing to achieve another, for however many years you are old.

If you really wish to reverse this process, one way that we could help you is to take you back through that process. This is impractical, because it would take the equivalent in time of your present age, if we went through each individual circumstance. Our Hermetic program of development is capable of returning you to that original selfishness (little self) and working with you through that, to where you once again become HIGHER SELF.
If you're too busy doing your hair, entertaining your friends, or creating more judgements or issues, at best you could at least mark time and not remove yourself any further from your SELF. That really doesn't require a whole lot of attention. However, we can get you there in a few months, if you pay attention. EVERY TIME THAT YOU DO ONE THING OR ASK FOR SOME THING IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE A DIFFERENT THING, OR SOMETHING ELSE, YOU MOVE FURTHER AWAY FROM SELF. The first process in this program, if you really wish to proceed, is to STOP DOING THAT!!!

Were you to be one of those sincere individuals who would really enjoy or desire to experience SELF again, we can only assist you with your cooperation and involvement. Please allow us to do that. We're offering you the opportunity to return within months. But we can't sell it. If this appeals to you, inquire about our subscription blog,, by emailing covinahermiticia AT (The blog is operated on a donation basis.)


PS We have to admit we had some assistance with this post from a high-falutin' New York marketing company.

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