Wednesday, March 10, 2010


IT DOES ALWAYS AMAZE's ME THAT HUMANITY AS A WHOLE IS SO EASILY CONTROLLED BY THIER ELECTED MASTERS///did you not choose these folks to do your bidding? Have you lost your ability to discerne what is best for you? Or have you reached that point of apathy that you supposedly choose the lesser of 2 evils..............

As an adept I have observed your behavior with wonder for the last 40 years//it looked like you were achieving some type of control over your governments and bankers [really sameo sameo] then they introduced new things to occupy your supposed consciousness[ like the thingy I am typing on] and have kept you so occupied since that you have lost all semblance of what is happening////

Do the math, exactly how many trillions of dollars did YOU spend here in the US on the bailout//damn you must be kidding me....what good has it done, oh the problem is over is it?Guess so according to them//but I live and function out here in the world and every day meet hardworking folks still losing jobs,houses, and everything they worked for while the market goes up up up and the RICH THEY GET THE CREDIT AND THE POOR THEY GET THE BLAME////

I do certianly hope you can manage to figure this out for yourself///you are in trouble if you don't//all your so called politicians are members of the same group, keeping you concerned about which one is better, more honest, and going to serve you best///they are all working for the billioniares that put them where they are GROW UP HUMANITY.........

Your job is your spiritual soul///these DEVILS are keeping you occupied with survival and taking the little bit they have allowed you back.........

Hold on to what you have//pay attention to your concept of god,godess or whatever and get it together/////in the last week half of the middle class folks I have read for are actually in the process of losing their homes............WHAT IS THE MATH IF THAT BAILOUT WAS APPLIED INDIVIDUALLY================please work it out approximately 300 million in US that includes kids///divide it yourself, damn//NO FORECLOUSURES/NEW CARS/ BILLS PAID/ PLENTY OF BUCKS FOR THE KIDS COLLEGE///who the hell do they think they are kidding//obviously they are effective with most of you....LETS GET EM ALL AND I MEAN ALL OUT OF THERE//////////////////////

Sorry supposed to be a bike and metaphysical blog but damn it something must be said and done...



Dave Denny said...

Couldn't have said it better. I'm actually losing sleep over this stuff they are doing. The $$ being wasted on thier unproductive salaries, benefits,etc. Where can I get a job that pays me indefinately for doing the wrong thing? Forget that!I wouldn't want it!

Anonymous said...


Great Shades! said...

You are absolutely correct, of course. Criminality abounds in Washington and they all need to go and term limits have to be set. Congress was never meant to be a career. They were meant to take a couple of years off to serve as our representatives - then GO BACK HOME and resume what they were doing. Now the problem is well above our own government. Not sure how to get rid of the international elite who rule the world and pull the puppet strings that Obama dances to.

Alan said...

What you say is true, once again. I see it in my CPA practice and more than ever this year. Many of my clients have lost their business and homes. One problem is most voters agree and want all the crooks gone, EXCEPT the crook that represents their district and in the end they all stay in office!